Agastache aurantiaca ‘Peach Margarita’
Agastache aurantiaca ‘Peach Margarita’ charms with some of the loveliest colouring in all the delightful Agastache family.
Gentle blushes of peach infused with soft apricot and lemon flushes
With gentle blushes of peach infused with soft apricot and lemon flushes across the flower trumpets.
And these delectably coloured flower trusses are constantly produced through summer and autumn.
Making Agastache aurantiaca ‘Peach Margarita’ truly beautiful as well as useful.
Scented & edible – flowers & foliage
This hardy, evergreen, shrubby perennial, with its gently coloured flowers, deserves a place in every garden, and in pots as well.
‘Peach Margarita’ is worth featuring for its lovely scented, edible flowers and foliage, as well as the divine colour.
But when you add in a tough, bone-hardy constitution, and water-wise, easy low maintenance, then there is no reason not to grow it.
Water-wise & drought resistant
Agastache aurantiaca ‘Peach Margarita’ is tough, and easily grown in Full Sun to Part Shade.
It is also hardy in frost and forgiving of a wide range of soils; including sandy, rocky and poor soils.
So it ideally suits coastal areas, windy, and hot and dry gardens; as well as pots.
‘Peach Margarita’ is water-wise and drought resistant, so it is ideal for gardeners with limited water supply.
Quick & easy from seed to flower
If seed is sown early indoors, the plants will flower happily in their first summer from seed.
Quick & easy to grow in the garden
Agastache aurantiaca ‘Peach Margarita’ is a low maintenance plant, and largely untroubled by any pests and diseases.
The only work required is to cut the whole plant back hard before spring to encourage new growth and a neat shape.
It is a hardy perennial clump, and quick growing for fast garden effect and flowers.
Cooking & cut flowers
Agastache ‘Peach Margarita’ is a special treat for the florists and cooks amongst us.
The peach flower trusses make good cut blooms for a vase indoors, where they last well.
While both flowers and foliage are very useful in the kitchen, both being edible.
Use the minty flavour in cakes, in salads (where the flowers really liven up the visual appeal), in drinks (where the flavour puts a whole new dimension on a G&T or a Mojito), or to add an edible garnish to a meat dish or stir-fry (Agastache leaves go really well with pork).
Native honey-eater birds adore it
But for me it is the entertainment provided by our native honey-eating birds that make Agastache indispensable in my garden.
Our Honeyeaters acrobatically dance amongst the flowers and do fine impersonations of Hummingbirds, while sipping nectar from the flowers,
Months & months of bloom
As Agastache ‘Peach Margarita’ blooms continuously for months on end, from late spring to autumn’s close, it is a blessing for all our useful pollinators.
Providing an invaluable and long lasting food source for bees, butterflies, birds and other useful pollinators – so plant some in your veggie plot or orchard.
Rabbits & deer cant abide Agastache
And to top it all off – rabbits and deer cant abide the aromatic oils in the foliage and flowers of Agastache – so they leave them alone. Bless all Agastache.
Suits beginners & gardening with kids
Scatter seeds directly in the garden during spring or autumn / or sow at any time indoors in a punnet.
Sow indoors for quick plants & early flowers: First sow the seeds in a punnet on the surface of good quality seed raising mix.
Then pat the seed gently into the surface of the mix. But do not cover because these seeds need light to germinate.
Now thoroughly moisten the mix by standing the punnet in a shallow water bath, and allow the water to percolate up to the mix surface from below. This will ensure the mix is thoroughly moist but not drenched.
Label the punnet with the name and date sown.
Place in a well lit position, but not in any direct sunlight.
Keep punnet moist by misting surface with a water spray bottle.
Temperature of 18-20C approx. is best for rapid germination, but they are not particularly fussy. At optimum temperature seedlings emerge in approx. 14-28 days.
(An electronic heat bed is ideal but not essential, any warm, well-lit spot will do).
Seed Count: 40 seeds per packet approximately.
(We always aim to exceed the stated count and give a generous serve)
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