Echinacea pallida ‘Hula Dancer’
Elegant, long drooping petals forming hula skirts of palest pink, give lovely Echinacea pallida ‘Hula Dancer’ it’s cultivar name.
Hula skirts of long draping soft pink
‘Hula Dancer’ has softer pink, and even longer petals, than straight Echinacea pallida.
As the squadrons of soft pink ribbon petals sway in the breeze, they really do look like a troop of graceful Hula Dancers, each with a decorative cone in the centre.
Procession of prolific blooms
Echinacea pallida ‘Hula Dancer’ gives a procession of prolific blooms through summer & autumn.
And begins blooming earlier than most other Echinacea.
It provides excellent cut flowers which can be used in the vase either fresh or dried.
And even after the flowers have finished, the cones remain as decorative features.
You can even leave the dried cones to provide food for seed eating birds in the winter.
Water-wise, hardy & low maintenance
Echinacea pallida ‘Hula Dancer’ is easy to grow and low maintenance.
Because it is drought hardy, water-wise, and frost hardy.
And can even cope in poorer soils, including clay and rocky soils.
In fact it prefers a leaner diet and blooms better on shorter rations.
It is also suitable for gardens where summer brings humidity.
Thrives lean & mean
‘Hula Dancer’ Coneflower certainly does not need a lot of feeding, trimming or fuss.
It gives abundant value for a minimum of effort in the garden.
Just cut back the spent flower stems when you want, or leave them as a treat for the winter birds.
Echinacea pallida ‘Hula Dancer’ is an evergreen perennial clump with a low, neat rosette of foliage.
But when it begins to bloom in summer it becomes a star on the garden stage.
Bee & bird friendly, but not to rabbits & deer
Bees, butterflies and small native honey eating birds adore the flowers for nectar.
While happily rabbits and deer are not particularly attracted to it as part of their menu.
Hardy perennial clump.
80 cm H x 45cm W.
Suitable for beginners & kids
Sow at any time of year in punnets indoors / or scatter in garden late winter & spring or late summer & autumn.
INDOORS: Sow in punnets on surface of good quality seed raising mix, moistened through.
Press seeds gently into the surface.
Light is needed for germination, so only barely cover the seeds.
Keep the punnet moist in a warm, well-lit position.
Temperatures of 20-24°C approx. are optimum for rapid germination.
Seedlings emerge in approx. 5-20 days.
SEED COUNT: 20 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count, and give a generous serve).