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Echinacea purpurea

‘Green Twister’


$5.00 AUD

Availability: In stock

Echinacea purpurea ‘Green Twister’

Echinacea purpurea ‘Green Twister’ is a recent release, and stole the show at Chelsea Flower Show pre-Covid pandemic.

Unusual colour blends of lemon-green & pinks

Because each flower is an unusual lemon-green at the petals outer edge and then gradually shades into carmine pink. And the central cones are positively iridescent, with a carmine to black cone in the centre.

Great cut flower

Erect sturdy stems hold  single, horizontal petalled blooms.
Making ‘Green Twister’ a lovely cut flower  which is long lasting in both the garden and vase.

Easy & water-wise to grow

Echinacea purpurea ‘Green Twister’ enjoys full sun and average to humus rich soil.
Once established it can tolerate dry periods.
And it is robustly frost hardy.

Hardy perennial

Hardy, evergreen perennial which is very tall in flower but remains as a low evergreen neat clump of foliage in the winter.
100cm High in magnificent flower x 60cm Wide neat, low evergreen foliage.


Sow Echinacea seed in late winter to spring or late summer to autumn indoors / or scatter directly in the garden in spring or autumn.

Echinacea seed may prefer a cold spell first to germinate well.

Sow indoors for quick & early plants: First sow the seed on the surface of good quality seed raising mix.
Then pat in lightly, but do not cover the seed, as these seeds need light to germinate.
Though you may use a very light sprinkling of vermiculite, but very very thin so as not to exclude light and cover the seed.

Now thoroughly moisten the punnet by standing it in a shallow water-bath.
And allowing the moisture to percolate to the surface of the mix from below.

Then place the moist, sown punnet in a warm, well-lit position (but not in any direct sunlight).
Temperatures of 20-24 degrees C are best for rapid and optimum germination.
You can use a heat mat if you have one, to maintain warmth.
Or a consistently warm window sill or corner will also do (well-lit but with no direct sunlight)..

And continue to keep the punnet consistently moist but not wet at all times.

Germination may start after 5 days and may take up to 20 days.

However if your seed is shy to sprout, then it is needing a period of cold to break the seed’s natural dormancy.
So wrap the moist punnet in cling-wrap or a clip-lock plastic bag, and keep in the fridge (not freezer) for 2-4 weeks.
Then moisten again, and return the punnet to the warm, well-lit position at 20-24 degrees C.

Prick out seedlings once large enough to handle into 7.5cm pots to grow on before planting out in spring in well drained soil.
Echinacea will flower in 11 to 15 weeks from seed sowing.
So blooms are possible in the first year.

Seed Count: 5 seeds per pack (seed of this unusual variety is in limited supply).

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