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Papaver rhoeas

‘Burgundy Bigalow’


$5.00 AUD

Availability: In stock

Papaver rhoeas ‘Burgundy Bigalow’

Papaver rhoeas ‘Burgundy Bigalow’ wows with luscious silky ruffled blooms.
In sumptuous shades of deep burgundy and plums, streaked with rose and cream.

Luscious silky blooms of burgundy, plums & cream

Such an amazing range of shades are produced when burgundy, plums and cream are all blended in unique washes – so there are no two flowers alike on ‘Burgundy Bigalow’.
Though every unique flower also has a rich chocolate centre.
We have never before seen such a wealth of colour in the beautiful world of Shirley Poppies (also often known as a Flanders Poppies – of Remembrance Day fame)
This is a very high class Flanders Poppy indeed.

Trendy new release

Papaver rhoeas ‘Burgundy Bigalow’ is an outstanding new release.
And highly sought after by garden designers and florists; as well as gardeners who love gorgeous colour.
While interior decorators can’t get enough of it for stylish magazine shoots.

Wow of a cut flower

Papaver rhoeas ‘Burgundy Bigalow’ wows as a cut flower with that special colouring.
And provides a steady stream of blooms through spring and summer.

Can’t kill it with an axe

But despite all the trendy good looks – this really is a tough, old fashioned “cant kill it with an axe” sort of a plant.
Though oh so glamorous, it is after all a very reliable self-seeding Flanders Poppy.
And just as hardy and easy to grow, and quick to raise from seed, as it’s more common plain red cousins.
So once you have some garden plants to start with, they will just continue to self-sow each year.

Quick & easy from seed & to grow in the garden

Grow ‘Burgundy Bigalow’ in Full Sun.
Where it will prove itself to be a very water-wise and drought resistant old friend.
And it is very quick & easy from seed, both sown indoors in small pots, or scattered directly in the garden.

45cm High x 25cm Wide.


Sow seeds of Papaver rhoeas ‘Burgundy Bigalow’ at any time in small pots indoors / or scatter directly in the garden in autumn or spring.

Sowing indoors for quick & early plants: First sow the seed thinly onto the surface of good quality seed raising mix in a series of small pots.
Then press the seeds gently into the surface of the mix.
And only sprinkle very sparingly with sieved mix.

Now stand the sown pots in a shallow water bath and allow the water to percolate up to the surface of the mix from below.

Germinate in the dark

Seeds of Papaver rhoeas need dark to germinate.
So cover the sown pots with a piece of cardboard or black plastic.

Now place the pots in a warm position, or on a temperature controlled heat mat if you have one.
But Papaver rhoeas are very forgiving and easy seeds to germinate. So it is not essential to have a heat mat.

Temperatures of 16-24°C are optimum for rapid and thorough germination.

Continue to keep moist and check daily for sprouts.
As you need to remove the cover immediately the seeds begin to germinate.
So the small plants do not become stretched and weak.

Sowing Tip 1 for Poppies

It is best to sow Poppy seed as a tiny pinch in a series of small pots, and then transplant each pot full of plants into the garden, when ready, without pricking them out.
As Papaver rhoeas plants quickly grow a long tap root and dislike being disturbed after germination.
So by sowing a tiny pinch directly into a small pot, you can transplant your germinated poppies into the garden with minimal root disturbance.
And avoid the work of pricking them out.

Sowing Tip 2 for Poppies

Poppy seeds are very fine. So pop a pinch or two of fine sieved seed raising mix into the seed bag first, shake well, and then sow the entire contents of the bag.
This will ensure you can sow the seeds thinly and more evenly for better germination.

Quick from seed to flower

The seed germinates in 7-21 days approx.

Seed Count: 10 seeds per pack approx. (Seeds of this new variety are scarce – but we always aim to exceed the stated seed count, and give a generous serve).

Caution: The seeds of Papaver rhoeas are not the seeds used as culinary poppy seeds (though they look the same). No parts of the plant are suitable for consumption.

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