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Veronica pinnata

‘Blue Feathers’


$5.00 AUD

Availability: In stock

Veronica pinnata ‘Blue Feathers’

Veronica pinnata ‘Blue Feathers’ has it all.
With refined spires of flowers in soft-violet blue shading to paler tips, standing some 30cm tall.
And delicately cut, filigree feathery foliage, which is a treat all year round.

Tapering spires of refined violet-blue

All in all it is a classy plant for flowers, foliage and ease of growing.

Exceptionally long blooming

Veronica pinnata ‘Blue Feathers’ puts on a continuous display from mid spring till later in summer.
And the spires really catch attention with their elegant shape and gentle colouring against the emerald green foliage.
It is a brilliant textural contrast, and gives colour too for such a very long time with it’s months of bloom.

Rewarding cut flowers for florists

The flower spires also make excellent fresh cut flowers, as they are so long lasting in the vase and such elegant tapers.

Handy groundcover

Plant Veronica pinnata ‘Blue Feathers’ where you would like some groundcover without any fear of it overstepping the boundary.
Because the evergreen foliage hugs the ground closely, and forms a pretty pool of feathery texture all year round.
Then the blooms stand jauntily up through the warm months. 

Plant ‘Blue Feathers’in nFull Sun. Though it can also tolerate some Partial Shade as long as it is not damp shade and is well aired.
It revels in good drainage. So it is right at home in sandy soil, gravel or rocky soil, as well as garden loam. It also appreciates lime and some fertilizer in spring.
However do not be too generous with the feed, particularly in good soil, as it flowers better and has even stronger, more compact growth if it does it a little tough.

Low care to grow

Hardy little Veronica pinnata ‘Blue Feathers’ is almost never attacked by any pests or diseases but instead just sails along demanding little work other than a cut back to the socks after the long blooming months.

Equally tough in frost

And is equally resistant to hard frosts because it can tolerate temperatures down to at least -20C and well below, depending on conditions.

Magnet for bees, butterflies & other flying friends

Bees and butterflies are drawn to irresistibly to Veronica pinnata ‘Blue Feathers’, because of it’s abundant nectar.
Even small native honey-eating birds love hanging off the flower spires like acrobats, and sipping the nectar.

And it provides such a reliable food supply for them because of the exceptionally long and consistent blooming.
Through months when many other plants have given up in the heat.

But no friend to rabbits and deer

Thankfully the flavour of Veronica is not appealing to our nibbling foes.

Low care & easy groundcover

Veronica pinnata ‘Blue Feathers’ is an evergreen perennial groundcover with exceptionally attractive foliage and elegant flowering..
The only work to keep it growing perfectly is to cut back the spent flower stems at the end of the season, right back to the base of evergreen foliage.

30cm. High spires of long tapering violet-blue spires x 45cm. Wide low clump of feathery evergreen foliage.

Suitable for beginners & gardening with kids

Sow all year in punnets indoors / scatter in the garden in spring or autumn.

INDOORS: First sow the seeds in a punnet on the surface of good quality seed raising mix.
Then pat gently to the surface to ensure good contact.
Now barely cover the seed with sieved mix / vermiculite / or fine sandy grit.
Because these seeds need light to germinate, so do not bury them.

Now thoroughly moisten the sown punnet by standing in a shallow water bath.
And allowing the moisture to percolate up to the surface from below.

Then place the punnet in a warm, well-lit position (not in direct sun).
You can use a heat mat if you have one, or a warm window sill (out of the sun).

Temperatures of 18-22C approx. are best for rapid and optimum germination.

Continue to keep moist by misting from a spray water bottle as required.
Covering the punnet with a clear plastic lid also helps top maintain consistent moisture.

Seedlings emerge in approx. 14-28 days.

SEED COUNT:  100 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count and give a generous serve).

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