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Cyclamen hederifolium

f. albiflorum


$5.00 AUD

Availability: In stock

Cyclamen hederifolium f. albiflorum

Cyclamen hederifolium f. albiflorum bears white winged flowers from late autumn to early spring.
And the pristine white flowers look so striking against silver and green lace pattern leaves.

Naturalize in Dry Shade

Cyclamen hederifolium f. albiflorum is a tough, frost hardy bulb.
So it is easy to naturalize in dry shade under trees & shrubs.
Where it will gently self-sow to make a carpet of white, silver and green lace; and light up a gloomy area.

Water-wise & low maintenance

It is also a summer dormant bulb, and will not mind at all if water is scarce over summer.
So it is an excellent choice for water-wise and low maintenance gardeners.

15cm High x 30cm Wide clump of beautiful laced and marbled foliage and white flowers.


Cyclamen hederifolium f. albiflorum seeds are best sown late autumn or winter.

First soak the seeds in warm water with a little detergent for 24 hours.
Then rinse thoroughly in fresh water before sowing.

Now sow the seeds in a punnet on the surface of good quality seed raising mix.
And lightly cover the seeds with sieved mix or fine gravel to a depth equal to the diameter of the seeds.

Now thoroughly moisten the sown punnet by soaking it in a shallow water bath so the moisture percolates up to the surface from below.
Then cover the punnet with a dark lid, such as a piece of cardboard or black plastic.
Because seeds of Cyclamen hederifolium f. albiflorum need dark to germinate.

Continue to keep moist and dark at approx. 16C. for rapid germination.

Most seed should germinate in 28-42 days, but some may take longer.
So do not discard the punnet.
It is a natural process for the seed to germinate at different times, as a cunning trick by the plant to give the seed a sporting chance to germinate into a good period of weather.

SEED COUNT: 3 seeds per pack (Seed of this beautiful variety is very limited).

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