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Digitalis ferruginea ‘Gigantea’


$5.00 AUD

Availability: In stock

Digitalis ferruginea ‘Gigantea’

Digitalis ferruginea ‘Gigantea’ is conveniently perennial rather than a biennial.
And much tougher than usual Foxgloves, as it is native to hot and dry climates around the Mediterranean.

Gently rusting Foxgloves

Digitalis ferruginea ‘Gigantea’ looks like it is gently rusting.
Because each creamy coffee, orchid like bloom, is veined with rich red and dark brown inside, and tipped with fine soft coffee hairs.
So these elegant leafy spires rise tall above rosettes of dark green, pointed, leaves each spring.
With the rusty-coffee fox’s glove fingers packed closely up the slender spires.
Hence the common name of Giant Rusty Foxglove – the description fits perfectly.

Copes with dry & heat better

So this hardy perennial is ideal for adding height to a shady corner.
Just plant in a Part Shade to Shaded position and let it rust away, where it can cope with drier conditions than most Foxgloves.
Because it is naturally built to cope with more summer heat and drier conditions than normal Foxgloves, as well as hard frosty winters.

Impressive cut flowers

Surprisingly for its’ elegant towering height – Giant Rusty Foxglove is strongly self supporting in the garden – unless in a very windy site.
And makes an impressive cut flower, as long as you have a vase tall enough.

Perennial parent plus babies

Giant Rusty Foxglove will self seed with volunteer babies, as well as the original perennial clump going on for some years.
So let your shade garden happily rust.

Elegant 1.8m H x 0.75m W.


Can be scattered directly in the garden where they are to grow in spring / or sow in punnets indoors for early quick plants. 

Indoors: Sow digitalis seeds on surface of good quality seed raising mix at any time. Do not cover with mix as seed requires light to germinate.

Place in warm well-lit place or on a heat mat, and cover with a plastic lid.

We recommend germinating at 15-20 degrees C for rapid germination.
Keep moist at all times, but do not saturate.

Seeds germinate in 14 to 30 days approx.
Pot on seedlings to harden off and mature before finally planting out in the garden.

SEED COUNT: 150 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stated seed count, and give a generous serve).

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