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Dracocephalum rupestre


SALE: Buy 1 get 2 packs


$5.00 AUD

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Dracocephalum rupestre
SALE: Buy 1 get 2 packs

Dracocephalum rupestre has large, intense rich blue flowers shaped like the heads of dragons. (If you have a good imagination that is).
Hence the common name of Dragonhead.

Pools of rich blue in summer

It blooms for a prolonged period over summer, with an abundance of showy flower spikes.
So creating pools of refreshing, intense blue, just when a cooling note is needed.

Pretty & scented foliage

But Dracocephalum rupestre is much more than just a bunch of pretty flowers.
It also has attractive, velvety textured, heart shaped leaves; giving a pleasant scent when rubbed.
Plus dark stems add to the colour contrast, setting off both the vivid blue flowers as well as the cool grey-green velvet leaves.

Pick the leaves for a refreshing cuppa

In China, the plant is highly valued, especially for its leaves.
Which are harvested to make a refreshing and tasty tea, esteemed as a health tonic.

Water wise & drought resistant

Dracocephalum rupestre is an excellent choice for gardeners who want to be careful with water.
As it is naturally adapted to cope with heat and periods of dry; and withstand frost and drought.

Copes in poor, sandy or rocky soil

Dragonhead is also naturally adapted to life in poorer, rocky, or sandy soil.
It appreciates good, sharp drainage; while it will sulk and desert you if moisture stands around.
Instead it prefers to dry out between drinks.
The name “rupestre” in botanical latin indicates that the plant grows amongst rocks.

Happy dragons in Sun or some Shade

Dracocephalum rupestre is native to rocky woodlands and forest clearings in China and Mongolia.
Hence it’s hardy constitution and ability to grow happily in either Full Sun or Partly Shaded positions.

Happy bees & pollinating insects 

Bees and other useful pollinating insects just love foraging down the dragon mouths for nectar and pollen. So the summer blooms are nourish them in the heat of summer, when life can be tough.

Happy dragons in pots, along edges or under taller companions

Dracocephalum rupestre makes an excellent decorative pot with an attractive, evergreen foliage mound; plus those wonderful intensely blue flower spikes over summer.
Likewise it makes an excellent front edge plant or underplanting for taller companions such as shrubs or roses.
Where it is not only visually pleasing, but also able to go in and out of the shade where needed.

Evergreen, dense,  perennial  mound.
30cm High in intense blue flower spikes x 30cm Wide low mound of velvety grey-green foliage.


Suitable for beginners and gardening with kids

Sow seed at any time of year in punnets indoors / or scatter directly in the garden during winter-spring.

Sow indoors for quick plants & early flowers: First sow the seeds in a punnet on the surface of good quality seed raising mix.

Now pat very gently the seeds to the surface of the mix, to ensure good contact.
But only very barely cover the seed with some sieved mix.
Because these seeds need good light for germination.

Then moisten the punnet thoroughly by standing it in a shallow water bath.
And allowing the moisture to percolate to the surface of the mix from below.

And place the moist, sown punnet in a warm, well-lit position (not in any direct sunlight).
You can use a heat mat if you have one, but it is not essential as these seeds are willing germinators if kept warm.

Temperatures of around 20°C approx. best for rapid and optimum germination.

Continue to keep the punnet consistently moist by misting with a spray water bottle.
And covering the punnet with a clear plastic lid, or a plastic bag, will help to maintain consistent moisture.

Seedlings emerge in approx. 14-30 days.

However if the seeds are shy to sprout after 30 days – it means the seeds have gone naturally dormant and want a period of chilling to break their dormancy.
So wrap the moist, sown punnet in cling-wrap.
And place in the fridge (not freezer) for 4 weeks.
Then remove, unwrap, & return to warm, moist, well-lit position.

Seed Count: 15 seeds per pack approx.
(We always aim to exceed the stared seed count and give a generous serve).

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