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Papaver triniifolium


$5.00 AUD

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Papaver triniifolium

Silky ruffled blooms in shades of salmon-apricot make Papaver triniifolium very unusual in the dazzling world of poppies.

Wow factor with flowers & foliage

But when you add the wow factor of lacy silver-blue foliage to the apricot-salmon flowers, it makes an arresting colour combination.
This is a plant worth lusting after.
And it does come from Armenia and Turkey, so it is well acquainted with the extremes of hot summers and cold winters, and getting by on a sniff of a raindrop.

Procession of gossamer silk flowers

And these beautiful blooms have petals as fine as gossamer silk, that flutter fetchingly in the breeze.
So it is a joy Armenian Poppies bloom abundantly through spring & summer, producing a procession of flowers.
So that is the good news – the bad news is they are monocarpic – once they have finished flowering and set seed the mother plant will die. But fear not, Papaver triniifolium will leave seed and seedlings behind easily, so you only need to get a starter plant to begin generations of this stunner self-seeding in your garden.

Rare, gorgeous but thankfully Quick & Easy from seed

You will never find this rare and highly coveted plant in general nurseries or hardware stores, because of course it must be started from seed.
But all efforts are worth it, to begin it self-seeding in your garden.
Seed is still scarce and rarely available, as the first seeds have only recently been collected by a plant hunting expedition mounted by the Denver Botanic Gardens. Thank you Denver.

Water-wise & drought resistant

40cm High of exquisite silken flowers x 30cm Wide of stunning lacy silver-blue foliage.
Frost & heat hardy, water-wise and drought resistant, mouth-wateringly beautiful monocarpic.
Fortunately it is quick & easily raised from seed.


Sow Papaver triniifolium seeds at any time in punnets indoors / or sow in garden in autumn or spring.

Sow seed thinly onto the surface of good quality seed raising mix.
Then press gently into surface but do not cover with mix.
Because this Poppy needs light to germinate.

Now place your sown punnet in a warm, well-lit position.
A bright window sill or corner is perfect (but not in direct sunlight)>
Or you can use a thermostat controlled heat mat if you have one, but this is not essential as these seeds are quick and easy to germinate and have a wide tolerance of temperature range.

Temperatures of 16-24°C are optimum for rapid germination.
Keep your sown punnet moist, but not wet, in a well-lit position.

Seed germinates in 10-21 days approx.

SEED COUNT: 40 seeds per pack approx.
(Seeds are scarce this year – only a very few packets to offer).

GROWING: Papaver triniifolium

Height with flowers: 40cm. approx.
Width: Furry blue-grey, lacy leaves make a decorative clump to diameter of 30cm. approx.
Growth: Self-seeding monocarpic plant.

Where to plant

Position: Full Sun.
Soil: Must have good drainage, as the strong fleshy roots will rot in soggy soil.
Can thrive in all soil types from sandy through average garden loam to clay based soils.
They grow happily in soils with a pH on either the acid or alkaline lime side of neutral.

Heat & frost hardy

Frost: Fully frost hardy to -10°C approx.
Armenian Poppies are heat tolerant, because they are native to places with very hot summers.  And they also relish a very cold or frosty winter snap, because of their native habitat.

Other benefits

Fragrance: Sadly none, but the blooms are so beautiful, you don’t notice the lack of scent.
Beneficial for wildlife: Bees are as besotted by the silken flowers as we are. Because they gather so much pollen, they can hardly fly with their bulging pollen sacks.
And Butterflies are also fed by the flowers.

Easy low care

Care: Low maintenance, with little work to do other than feeding.
Deer & Rabbit resistant: Fortunately rabbits and deer don’t seem to like their furry, felty leaves.

Native origin

Native to Armenia, Turkey and surrounds where they grow on rocky slopes, hence their love of good drainage, frost hardiness, and ability to withstand both heat and cold.

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